May 12, 2019 - Fourth Sunday of Easter Scripture: Acts 14:16-20 Sermon: "In Human Form"
May 12, 2019 - Contemporary Issues
Topic: Given that climate change is happening, what do we do? Human environments - cities, agriculture, and the economy - will need to dramatically reorganize. What responses are already in the works? This class included a TED Talk in the recorded audio. Watch the talk on the TED website or embedded here:
May 5, 2019 - Third Sunday of Easter Youth Sunday Sermon: "God Loves Everyone"
May 5, 2019 - Contemporary Issues
Topic: 97% of the world’s climate scientists agree that the planet is warming, that the climate is changing, and that humans are causing the problem by emitting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. What do we really know about climate change? How do we know it? This class included a TED Talk, not in the recorded audio. Watch the talk on the TED website or embedded here:
April 28, 2019 - Contemporary Issues
Covenant shares in God’s mission by housing, feeding, and caring for our neighbors. Global climate change works against that mission by making social and economic imbalances worse, even threatening the very existence of some countries. Former President of Ireland Mary Robinson makes the case for seeing climate change as a human-rights issue. This class included a TED Talk, not in the recorded audio. Watch the talk on the TED website or embedded here:
AudioCovenant's Sunday sermons and educational offerings are posted here. Blessings! Archives
January 2025
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