Covenant Church follows the Christian calendar, representing the story of our faith. Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month and on other important faith milestones. The date for a Sacrament of Baptism is worked out with the pastor and the family for what is most convenient. Worship at Covenant also recognizes certain national holidays as important in the life of the congregation.
Christmas Eve worship service is offered early in the evening of December 24th and includes the singing of carols and the lighting of candles ending with “Silent Night.” Ordinarily, a special children’s book or children’s message is delivered in addition to a Christmas homily for adults. The early hour of 6 p.m. provides worshippers a time in which they can celebrate the remembrance of the birth of Christ and still have family time with loved ones.
Ash Wednesday worship service is offered on the first Wednesday of Lent and includes both communion and the imposition of ashes. This service launches the five weeks of Lent leading up to Easter Sunday.
Maundy Thursday and Tenebrae service is offered on the Thursday evening before Easter Sunday and marks remembrance of the last supper (Maundy) and then moves into the reading of the crucifixion account and the extinguishing of light (Tenebrae).
Palm Sunday worship service is offered the Sunday before Easter and is a joyous proclamation of Christ! A processional of the choir with the children bringing in the palms marks a way of celebration for the lordship of Jesus.
Easter Sunday is offered as the highest and holiest affirmation of the Christian faith. It includes special music and celebration in remembering the resurrection of Christ and its promise of life everlasting.
Covenant Sunday worship service is offered on a Sunday in April, close to the date of the founding of the church. Billed a “birthday party”, it involves recognition of the ministry of Covenant in worship, with a meal following (usually potluck). During the meal, the congregation may also celebrate ALL birthdays with young and old sitting at their birthday month table.
Memorial Weekend Sunday Service is offered on the Sunday before Memorial Day and is a worship of reflection and remembrance.
National Independence Day is recognized the Sunday before the Fourth of July holiday, honoring the founding of the United States and our responsibility in a world of other nations.
Kick Off Sunday is offered on the second Sunday in September as a way of launching the program year for children, youth, and adults as the congregation begins its next year of ministry from September to May.
Other special worship services include: Special Advent Sundays, Special Lent Sundays, Youth Sunday, Scout Sunday, Vacation Bible School Sunday, Children of the Church Sunday, Board of Shepherds Sunday, Sunday before Thanksgiving and more.