The Word of God is proclaimed in music through anthems, cantatas, oratorios, hymns, spiritual songs, choirs, and instrumentation. Music provides an expression of faith by the people of God.
The Chancel Choir sings three to four times a month and its repertoire may include classical, traditional and contemporary pieces. Open to all with any level of singing skill, the choir practices on Wednesday evenings during September through May at 7:30pm in the Sanctuary. Several times a year, the choir presents additional special music reflecting the Christian calendar such as during Advent, Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday/Tenebrae, Palm Sunday and Easter. During the summer, special ensembles, duets, and soloists will sing.
The Crescendo Bell Choir plays once a month. Its repertoire includes a variety of pieces for both beginning and experienced bell ringers. Open to anyone who is able to read sheet music (or anyone who would like to learn!), the bell choir practices on Wednesday evenings during September through May at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary. Several times a year, the bell choir may accompany the Chancel Choir, Children’s Choir, or combine with the Children’s Bell Choir for special pieces. During the summer, the Crescendo Bell Choir does not practice.
The Covenant Children’s Choir sings several times a year. They also participate in the Palm Sunday Procession, Children’s Sunday, and Vacation Bible School Sunday. They rehearse each week during Wednesday night's Covenant Kids programming and are under the direction of the director of the Chancel Choir. They are introduced to percussion instruments and will occasionally sing with the Chancel Choir.
The Covenant Children’s Bell Choir was launched in 2016 and plays at least two times a year. Children are introduced to bell ringing and chiming. They are under the direction of the director of the Crescendo Bell Choir and meet on Wednesdays nights before Covenant Connections at 6:15pm on certain, set Wednesdays.