what is don justo coffee?
Don Justo Coffee with Dignity is imported from Berlin, El Salvador. Berlin is the home of Our Sister Parish, the pastoral house that helps coordinate Covenant's mission with our partner community in San Isidro, El Salvador. We work with the producers of Don Justo Coffee to help support the local business by providing selling opportunities in the Des Moines metro area. Covenant does not make any money off the sales of this coffee. We are simply selling to support our friends in El Salvador!
The mission of Don Justo coffee
Our Sister Parish attempts to follow standards designed to reduce or eliminate inequalities found in the conventional coffee trade. Their mission is to promote fair wages, decent working conditions, and sustainable organic agricultural practices that allow Salvadoran workers the ability to earn an honest living with dignity. For each pound of Don Justo Coffee with Dignity purchased, funds are divided into three categories:
- The local economy in and around Berlin, El Salvador (growing, harvesting, processing, roasting and grinding the coffee).
- Administrative and supply costs which include bags, labels, flavor oils, and shipping to the United States.
- The Pastoral Team who assist with local social and economic development projects in and around Berlin, El Salvador.
HOw can I get Don Justo Coffee?
- The first Sunday of every month, coffee is for sale our fellowship hall immediately following worship. Cash and check payments are accepted. Regular bags (1lb.) sell for $12 each and decaffeinated bags (1lb.) are on clearance for $5.
- Order online! Use this form to let us know what you would like and we will find a way to get it to you!
- Covenant Presbyterian Church is a distribution hub for Don Justo Coffee With Dignity coffee orders on the third and fourth Thursdays of each month (also available, if there is a 5th Thursday) from 10:00 A.M. to 12 noon. Enter the building through the north "office" doors.