The Property Committee
The Property Committee oversees the stewardship of the building and grounds. They meet on an as-needed basis. They manage a time line for maintenance and capital improvements so that there are never too many costs in one calendar year. The use of the Capital Fund to cover costs of roof repair, window replacements, parking lot resurfacing, removal or planting of trees, maintenance of equipment (lawn mowers, leaf blower, edger, trimmer), etc. is accessed by this committee, subject to the discretion of the Session. This committee has individuals who set up the volunteer lawn mowing schedule and yard work days. Snow removal is contracted for the parking lot and the sidewalks. If you would like to be a part of this committee, contact the church office at [email protected].
The Property Committee oversees the stewardship of the building and grounds. They meet on an as-needed basis. They manage a time line for maintenance and capital improvements so that there are never too many costs in one calendar year. The use of the Capital Fund to cover costs of roof repair, window replacements, parking lot resurfacing, removal or planting of trees, maintenance of equipment (lawn mowers, leaf blower, edger, trimmer), etc. is accessed by this committee, subject to the discretion of the Session. This committee has individuals who set up the volunteer lawn mowing schedule and yard work days. Snow removal is contracted for the parking lot and the sidewalks. If you would like to be a part of this committee, contact the church office at [email protected].