“For where two or three are
gathered in my name,
I am there among them.”
Matthew 18:20
Men's breakfast group
Held normally on the first Monday of the month beginning at 7:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall, this small group provides fellowship and faith conversation around the breakfast meal. All men are encouraged to attend, depart when they need to and/or stay as long as they wish. Study lessons are selected and several men in the group will help facilitate discussions. Watch the church calendar for an upcoming gathering or contact the church office at [email protected] for more information.
Covenant women's circles
“Circles” are study groups of women who gather around a Bible curriculum throughout the year for reflection and discussion. All women of Covenant and friends and visitors are welcome to one or both of the Covenant Circles. If you cannot make one meeting during a particular month, you can join the other group or you may even decide you would like to be a part of each Circle! There is a Morning Circle and an Evening Circle to accommodate those who have open day-time hours or those working and/or who prefer an evening group. Each year our Circles select the study material, frequently using the Horizon’s Bible Sunday. Morning Circle meets every second Tuesday of the month 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. and Evening Circle meets every third Tuesday of the month 7 -9 p.m. Summer schedules may be different; use the church calendar to see the current schedule. With great discussions and fellowship, this is an amazing way to get to know the women of the church and the friends they bring, as well as grow and share your knowledge. Contact the church office at [email protected] with questions.
Covenant Presbyterian women (CPW)
The mission of Presbyterian Women is to care for women by listening to our sisters, especially the voices that are difficult to hear; to connect women with each other and the larger church; and to challenge women by encouraging them in discovering their call to leadership and ministry. This group is composed of all women, friends and visitors of the church wishing to participate in the mission effort of CPW. Annual mission fundraising events are hosted, organizational meetings held, dispersal of mission monies decided and participation in the greater Presbyterian Women organization in the Presbytery of Des Moines, the Synod of Lakes and Prairies and the national women’s gatherings undertaken. Leadership of CPW rotates. To connect with this small group ministry, simply contact the church office at [email protected].
Book Club
This small group gathers during the program year of September through May to reflect on a book which the group has selected. Occasionally the group does not meet such as in December. On the first Thursday of the month, the Book Club meets in a set location—either the North Lounge or the Community Center. If you are interested in learning more about this group, contact the church office at [email protected].
Ladies who lunch
Would you enjoy trying out new and different restaurants for lunch occasionally? This small group meets for fellowship and food at various eating establishments. Open to any and all, a sign-up sheet is usually posted on a bulletin board. People meet at 11:30 at the selected restaurant. Ladies Who Lunch ordinarily do not meet in December and over the summer months. Want to join us for a meal? Contact the church office at [email protected] to learn when and where the group will meet next.
annual Golf outing
The Annual Golf Outing occurs once a year, in the summer. The location changes from year to year but the fun is always there! The outing is open to golfers of any skill level and teams are organized to allow everyone to get to know one another. Fun awards are giving out at the cookout following the golfing. Watch the church calendar for this year's date!